That should have read, "Just in case my next employer is reading this thread
and is on the fence about hiring telecommuters?"

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:37 AM, John M Bliss <> wrote:

> Can we not say "a lot?" Can we agree on "some?" Just in case my next
> employer is reading this thread?
> Unless you have stats...?
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 6:34 AM, Russ Michaels <>wrote:
>> working from home doesn't work for a lot of people though, there are too
>> many distractions, tv, food, wife or g/f, even more so if you have small
>> kids screaming round the house all day or if you do not have a separate
>> room
>> to use as an office.
>> I have been far more productive since I moved out of the house and into a
>> proper office, as has my wife (who works for me).
>> Russ

John Bliss -

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