On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Michael David <li...@michaeldavid.com>wrote:

> So -- the new CF licensing policy has me thinking....
> Anyone out there using Railo in a a high volume production environment?
>   Using beefy hardware, I have been able to avoid the need to cluster so
> far.  So, how is Railo's performance?

Unless you're doing something like a lot of Microsoft or PDF integration,
Railo will obliterate ACF in performance. Every time. All the time.
Period.  You'll need wwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy less hardware
with Railo.

> The thing I need most is dependability.  I don't just have time to
> babysit temperamental installs. Is Railo rock-solid?

Hell yes.

> And what about security?

Not sure what exactly you're getting at, but Railo is at least as "secure"
as ACF. In just a basic installation, I'd venture to say that Railo is more
secure, as each Railo instance provides sandboxing out of the box, giving a
"Web Administrator" to each project/application. But to really answer your
question, we'd need a much more detailed question (or series of questions).

> How is its cfscript implementation?  I am on a mission to avoid tags to
> the extent possible, except when rendering html.

Railo's cfscript implementation beats the hell out of ACF's, and has for

Go run this on ACF. Then install Railo and give it a whirl. :-)

    foo = {
        z:'rock on, Railo!'
    writeDump( foo )

> I checked out Railo's unsupported tags and functions, and only
> cfspreadsheet is a problem, but I see that there is
> an extension out there.  I often have the need to output data into
> multiple sheets within one file...

I don't do much with cfspreadsheet, so I don't know if that's a deal
breaker or not. I can say that the extension has done what I needed and
done it well the handful of times I've needed that functionality.


Bottom line. The future of CFML *is* Railo.



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