Hi all!

At my company we're once again talking about setting up source control for our 

I've been googling and reading for quite a while now and so far I've gathered, 
that we first of all need a SVN server of some sort on a central server, so 
that the entire team can access it.
I've looked at VisualSVN Server and managed to install it and even add a 

But now I am getting into problems, which I am hoping someone here might be 
able to help me solve;

Problem 1: We naturally already have a whole bunch of code that we'd like to 
put into our repository - but I can't figure out how to do that.
Is this where I need something like TortoiseSVN? And if so, how do I structure 
my repository?

Problem 2: We don't use a setup where each developer runs a local copy of the 
code, instead we all run the code on a single develoment server, accessing the 
code-files via a webpath (\\server\project\file.cfm)
So instead of checking the file out to a local copy, I'd like to use a 
"exclusive-lock-in-place" sort of thing - is this possible?

Problem 3: I am trying to use the Subclipse plugin, but I simply can't figure 
it out.
Does anyone know of a "how to use Subclipse for dummies" tutorial?

Problem 4: Is it possible to auto-lock/check out files in Eclipse as soon as 
they are opened by a developer? (versus manually selecting to lock the opens a 
file? Or how does one go about ensuring that no two developers can change a 
file at the same time (referring to problem 2)?

As you can tell, I'm at a bit of a loss at the moment, so any and all feedback 
is appreciated.

Thanks a bunch! 

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