On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Andrew Scott wrote:

>  In Open Source and the like I would recommend Git or the
> like, but expect a very huge learning curve.

The context of the OP is that of getting started with source control - any
source control. In that context, the learning curve exists no matter what
source control technology one decides on. And it's definitely no greater
for Git vs. SVN or SVN vs. Git. No source control to source control is a
deliberate change in one's philosophy and work flow. It is unfair to paint
Git as a bad choice because you have been using SVN for years and prefer
its tooling, and especially unfair given the context of this thread.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have helped folks go from no source
control (again, the context of the OP) to using Git - on Windows, even
(which I don't use) - in a matter of a few hours. Were they using all of
the advanced features of Git in a matter of a few hours? Of course not, but
they went from no source control to source control in a matter of a few
hours, and their work flow was dramatically improved right away.

The bottom line is, today, in 2013, if you are **getting started** with
source control, Git is undeniably de facto standard, and THE way to go. Its
learning curve - to a newbie to source control - is no greater than
anything else, and once they are no longer a newbie they will find it
infinitely more powerful and productive than any of the older source
control technologies.

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