
Please read what I have said, I am not painting it as bad, I have clearly
stated that Git is better in decentralized environments. The OP seems to be
a small company that is all in house, Git is not designed to be good in
those conditions at least my experience across large/small centralized
teams has been SVN to be the best in those circumstances.

And agreed there is a learning curve over all, regardless of which ever
option the OP takes.

Git is not the defacto standard either that is a crock of shot Matt, again
one seriously needs to work out which is better for them. If they need a
decentralized over centralized then Git is the cheapest solution to go with.

Andrew Scott

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:52 AM, Matt Quackenbush <>wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Andrew Scott wrote:
> >  In Open Source and the like I would recommend Git or the
> > like, but expect a very huge learning curve.
> >
> The context of the OP is that of getting started with source control - any
> source control. In that context, the learning curve exists no matter what
> source control technology one decides on. And it's definitely no greater
> for Git vs. SVN or SVN vs. Git. No source control to source control is a
> deliberate change in one's philosophy and work flow. It is unfair to paint
> Git as a bad choice because you have been using SVN for years and prefer
> its tooling, and especially unfair given the context of this thread.
> As I mentioned in a previous post, I have helped folks go from no source
> control (again, the context of the OP) to using Git - on Windows, even
> (which I don't use) - in a matter of a few hours. Were they using all of
> the advanced features of Git in a matter of a few hours? Of course not, but
> they went from no source control to source control in a matter of a few
> hours, and their work flow was dramatically improved right away.
> The bottom line is, today, in 2013, if you are **getting started** with
> source control, Git is undeniably de facto standard, and THE way to go. Its
> learning curve - to a newbie to source control - is no greater than
> anything else, and once they are no longer a newbie they will find it
> infinitely more powerful and productive than any of the older source
> control technologies.

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