On 31 January 2013 01:11, Raymond Camden <raymondcam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe I'm crazy, but if a developer doesn't know how to install ColdFusion,
> or install a web server, than they aren't a web developer. (And they can
> learn to this in one hour.) I have _never_ seen an org where IT was
> responsible for setting up base installs like that. That would be like IT
> installing Chrome for you.
There are two things here, Ray:

   1. Yes, anyone calling themselves a CF dev should be able to do those
   things. I am, however, *astounded* at how many do not, and how many CF
   developers' technical knowledge & capabilities drop away very quickly once
   they get away from CFML itself.
   2. That said, I've found it reasonably common in larger teams (and in
   companies that aren't just a specialist IT shop) wherein the developers are
   not "special users" when it comes to how they fit into the company's IT
   infrastructure, and they're all just "plain users" like everyone else in
   the company. Having been on both sides of this code: a sysadmin, and a
   user, I prefer the developers to *not* be administrators. From an admin
   POV few developers know what they're doing well enough to be trusted with
   admin role on a network: the chief thing they don't know is that they don't
   know everything (whilst thinking they do), and they certainly don't tend to
   consider anything other than their own personal requirements (which can
   compromise the network if left unchecked). From a user POV, I'd rather than
   someone administer my machine for me, than have to do it myself. I'm here
   to write code, not configure & maintain my computer. Then again perhaps I'm
   an anomalous developer in that hardware and software configuration bore me
   shitless. I can do it, but I find it tedious. And it's nice to have people
   around to do it for me.

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