On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:48 AM, Adam Cameron <
adamcameroncoldfus...@gmail.com> wrote:

>    2. That said, I've found it reasonably common in larger teams (and in
>    companies that aren't just a specialist IT shop) wherein the developers
> are
>    not "special users" when it comes to how they fit into the company's IT
>    infrastructure, and they're all just "plain users" like everyone else in
>    the company. Having been on both sides of this code: a sysadmin, and a
>    user, I prefer the developers to *not* be administrators. From an admin

To be clear, I was not suggesting CF Noobs or Junior Devs be admins. They
shouldn't be doing anything on production. But on their own machines, I'd
imagine they should be able to install CF. I would expect a designer to
install Photoshop. (OK, maybe IT could pre-image that since CS is so
freaking huge.)


Raymond Camden, Adobe Developer Evangelist

Email : raymondcam...@gmail.com
Blog : www.raymondcamden.com
Twitter: cfjedimaster

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