What kind of looney decision making process does your client have, that they
would make that kind of a decision based on the few facts that are currently
available?  I don't understand that at all.  That's just plain bad business.
Maybe it's the decision that they would ultimately come to AFTER the dust
settles.  But to make that call at this point, before the facts are even
known is not smart.  It very well could be that the pricing actually may
even be MORE attractive - considering the added features that are supposed
to be bundled in CF5.  I can't imagine shifting programming platforms at
this point - until I had enough information to make an educated decision.
That's just "knee-jerk" management.  I think everyone is short-changing and
underestimating A/MM at this point.  Everyone's going bezerk for no good
reason . . . yet <g>


----- Original Message -----
From: Sean Renet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: New CF5 Partner Hosting License

> I just spoke to 3 of my clients.  Coincidently, one of them is in the
> process of hiring programmers.  After a brief discussion, it appears
> of hiring cf developers, "based on the Coldfusion Press release, we have
> decided to extend our java staff".  Fortunately my business is
> and not coding, but it appears my web clients are going to either a) not
> upgrade their current boxes to 5.0 and/or b) find another solution for new
> business.  So I guess its back to programming in Java, there goes all the
> free time I used for naked disco parties.....  Btw when they suggested
> stuff in Java I mentioned using JRUN as the engine, their reply was,
> Macromedia dicks us on licensing in CF5 so we can turn around and use one
> their other products?  No, we are going with weblogic because people know
> the product and we understand its licensing structure".  Another client
> commented "M***** f*****, it already has a bad rap, the last think you
> do is make it cost-ineffective for anyone to use....  they're trying to
> it for the price of a java app server w/o the performance".  The last
> said they were going to move new business to PHP.
> So here is my spin on the whole thing...
> Ben Forta says "Be patient, wait to see the pricing structure before you
> make a decision"
> Well, I think Macromedia needs to hire a press department that has an idea
> of how to relay information.  In the record business, we had a saying. "If
> yer gonna scream "fire" in your own movie theatre, at least wait until the
> movie is over and the fire trucks are outside."  That is, don't send out a
> press release saying you are going to dick your loyal customers with a new
> licensing scheme until you can send out that release WITH the new
> scheme. Further more, from the response on these lists, it doesn't appear
> any research was done in regards to this new pricing structure.  If
> counts on selling CF licenses for revenue, it looks like if you were ever
> going to sell them short on Wallstreet now would be the time, because I
> don't see them selling the same number of CF5 servers as they did previous
> versions and they do not make any "new" income on prior installations.
> ****And as I recall you can't buy previous versions after they release a
> one.  So they lose those sales as well.*****  If I am a hosting company I
> just going to tell my clients that "sorry you can't query a query here",
> continue to grab clients that do not need that functionality. Also, if you
> are a hosting company I would buy all the cf4.5 servers you think you are
> going to need for new boxes as Allaire doesn't make previous versions
> available after a new release.
> As for me, it doesn't really impact me.  Anything I do on my own will be
> 4.5.  I am not going to argue Allaire's licensing plan with any of my
> clients that are otherwise inclined as I don't receive a check from
> to do so and my skill set gives me other options.  I am curious however
> big time partners like Figleaf and Autobytel are taking this news.
> As for Dinowitz and House of Fusion, Macromedia would have to be complete
> fucking morons to charge the purveyor of the ColdFusion community more to
> continue to be their glue.
> Sean Renet.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Colón" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 1:51 PM
> Subject: Re: New CF5 Partner Hosting License
> > 'is there any book called "PHP by April30th"??' - lol
> >
> > A couple folks have asked for it, so here's the text of the announcement
> that hosting partners received yesterday
> > (apologies if my Netscape Communicator email program parses the line
> weirdly):
> >
> > -----
> >
> > Dear Partner,
> >
> > On April 30, 2001, Macromedia will be announcing the launch of
> Server 5 and the ColdFusion Server 5
> > Hosting Service Provider Edition, which consists of a new End-User
> for commercial hosting service
> > providers.
> >
> > We are excited to provide you with advanced notice of our announcement
> the launch of a new Hosting Edition for
> > ColdFusion 5.0 that offers Web Hosting partners improved functionality
> well as new licensing terms.
> >
> > Improved Functionality
> >
> > ColdFusion Server 5 has new functionality that will help hosters improve
> the management and enhance the performance
> > of hosted ColdFusion servers. It also provides existing ColdFusion users
> with numerous new features that should
> > drive more business for ColdFusion hosters.  The following is brief
> description of some of those features:
> >
> > *       SNMP MIB (Management Information Base)- Provides performance and
> availability data so that ColdFusion
> > servers can be monitored from within an enterprise systems management
> console.
> > *       Custom Logs - Provides administrators with the ability to
> customize log reports for individual applications
> > on a shared hosted ColdFusion server.
> > *       Enhanced Hardware Load Balancer Integration - Provides the
> capability to run a server agent that is capable
> > of passing CF application server load and application health information
> to any of the popular hardware load
> > balancing devices, providing a higher level of site availability and
> better overall load balancing.
> > *       Application Monitoring- Enables server administrators to
> custom monitors that respond to page or
> > application-specific thresholds. When a threshold is passed, the server
> can send an automatic notification, trigger
> > an automated response, or send a notification to an enterprise
> console via SNMP
> > *       Application Deployment Services- Provides site archiving
> that enable easy back-up and deployment
> > of applications and/or ColdFusion Server configuration data. This
> simplifies server(s) management by enabling the
> > easy movement of applications between servers, such as from testing to
> production or from one production server to
> > another in a data center.
> > *       Merant ODBC Drivers- ColdFusion 5.0 now includes the Merant ODBC
> 3.7 drivers on all platforms, including
> > new wire protocol drivers which provide a consistently high-performance
> interface to all popular data sources.
> >
> > New Licensing Terms
> >
> > The new ColdFusion Server 5 Hosting Service Provider Edition is for web
> hosting service providers that provide
> > shared hosting services (host multiple ColdFusion applications and/or
> sites on a single ColdFusion server) for the
> > ColdFusion platform.  Starting with the release of ColdFusion 5, the
> End-User License right to host multiple
> > ColdFusion applications and/or sites on a single ColdFusion server will
> only be included in the ColdFusion 5
> > Hosting Service Provider Edition license.   The ColdFusion 5 Enterprise

> and Pro End-User License will no longer
> > permit multiple ColdFusion applications and/or sites to be hosted on a
> single ColdFusion server.   Web hosters that
> > are purchasing ColdFusion 5 servers to host multiple ColdFusion
> applications and/or sites on a single ColdFusion 5
> > server will need to purchase the ColdFusion 5 Hosting Service Provider
> Edition.
> >
> > Web hosters that provide dedicated ColdFusion hosting services (host one
> ColdFusion application and/or site on a
> > single ColdFusion server), will be able to continue to host ColdFusion
> customers on either a ColdFusion Enterprise
> > or Pro server license.
> >
> > The ColdFusion 5 Hosting Service Provider Edition:
> > *       Will be priced on a per CPU basis
> > *       Can be purchased directly from Macromedia on a per CPU basis, or
> through Macromedia's Commercial Service
> > Providers (CSP) License Program that provides payment terms that map to
> Hosting Service Providers business model.
> >
> > *       Will also be offered through Macromedia's reseller and
> channels.
> >
> > In an effort to help our Hosting Partners take advantage of the upcoming
> demand for ColdFusion 5 features,
> > Macromedia will be providing a special promotional upgrade offer. More
> information regarding ColdFusion 5 Hosting
> > Edition upgrade promotion, pricing and availability will be released on
> April 30, 2001.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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