> Compare something like CommonSpot or Spectra to one CM 
> product I saw which submits rich text content from MS Word
> for inclusion in a predesigned html template using _SMTP_ 
> from _within_ MS Word.

Or, for that matter, just compare CommonSpot to Spectra - they're radically
different, I think. Spectra is essentially a bunch of code, which you can
use to build your CMS applications. CommonSpot, on the other hand,
essentially runs out-of-the-box, although you can certainly customize it.
There's more of an up-front cost to CommonSpot than Spectra ($25k vs #15k, I
think) but the total cost to deploy a CommonSpot solution is typically a
fraction of that to deliver a similar Spectra solution.

But yes, you're right - CMS products span a pretty wide range.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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