You know, something I was just thinking of now -

Thinking 'corporate' style - the fact that CF is NOT open source means
that if anything goes wrong with CF itself, you have somewhere to go
where you are guarenteed service.  Not the case with RoR. Or true of
any OS software.

Just a thought - but you bring up some valid points there Barry.


On 8/30/06, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> please forgive me if this comes across as trolling but I'm running out
> of ammo here in trying to keep the CF flag flying
> here's the question: Why Buy into CF?
> because of rapid development?
>  - NOPE!: not compared against RubyOnRails, it seems. It's true
> against Java/JSP development or ASP.NET/C# but CF seems to be no
> longer the fastest pocket-rocket.
> because of built-in flash remoting, making it the most cost-effective
> way of supporting AMF3 for Flex2?
>  - NOPE!: "How much does WebORB for Rails cost?.. WebORB for Rails is
> an open source project. It is available free of charge under the GNU
> General Public License"
> (FYI: WebOrb is a company picking up where PHPAMF left off...)
> it has features like CFDOCUMENT? Verity?
>  - NOPE!: some ppl (G'day Gareth!) found limitations with CFDocument
> real fast and switched to using the latest iText libraries natively.
> Ditto with Verity, replaced with Lucerne.
> ... dunno, could never fly that as a solution. too limiting, no interest.
> FlashForms?
> ... no call for them really, especially now that Flex2 is out
> Gateways?
> ... could never float this as something meaningful. Either the systems
> were standard, not enterprise - or - the enterprise boxes were stuck
> on CF6.1 and it's not enough reason to upgrade.
> it's got a large, active, supportive community?
> ... I'd say yes compared to Java and .NET... but not against the
> evangellical RonR world, who seems to gain the strength of 10 because
> their platform is opensource. ... and everything they touch seems to
> turn to opensource....
> So, keeping in mind CF8 in development...
> ... what could possibly entice ppl to buy into CF, either from scratch
> - or - upgrading from CF6.1?
> this is a serious ask of, not why CF people are where they are now,
> but how they can justify traveling down the CF road in the future.
> (maybe I'm gowing weary of the luddites here that won't upgrade the
> dwindling number of servers to CF7, the undermining pro-RubyOnRails
> camp here ... and that opensource WebOrb AMF3 news.. that's the last
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ straw...)


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