On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 3:23 PM, Ricardo Russon
> But as a developer, why is it my job to promote coldfusion?

Short answer: it's not.

Long answer: many people feel that if ColdFusion were more popular and
widespread, they'd have better job security/job prospects etc. We like
coding in ColdFusion so we would like this to happen. ColdFusion's
success is our success. So to help ColdFusion compete with .NET (which
has MS behind it, with far more resources than Adobe) and PHP/Ruby
(which have large proactive open source communities behind them), many
people in the CF community feel they that by helping Adobe, we are
helping ourselves.

Kay Smoljak
business: www.cleverstarfish.com
coldfusion: kay.smoljak.com
personal: goatlady.wordpress.com | heapsbad.com

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