Fundimenal problems in marketing:

Just ask anyone advertising building a new web system and trying to
use an agency, they pretty much all laugh at you and tell you to build
in .Net or PHP as ColdFusion is a waste of money.

evangelism is also failing at the hiring level... how about a free
breakfast for agencies to 'educate' them on the pluses of CF? how
about doing this every year?

There's very few agencies that take CF seriously because they don't
see that many cf jobs, and the ones they do see are convinced to push
toward the languages of their larget contractor pool.

It's catch 22... fewer developers ~ fewer contracts = fewer licences ~
seen as small fry by local office


On May 29, 4:28 pm, Kai Koenig <> wrote:
> > I believe Adobe should start out with getting some CF talent into the
> > Consultancy arm in ANZ so that more Flex based projects can(should)
> > have a CF backend, and also at the start (assuming not enough CF work
> > via the Consultancy) primarily evangelising to NON-CF folks (Schools,
> > Startup UGs),
> Just for the sake of clarification and to avoid confusion - contrary to 
> popular believe there is no Adobe Consulting in the Pacific region (not sure 
> about the overall AsiaPac situation - iirc there's an Adobe Consulting office 
> in Singapore). All consulting-type work in this region is done by partners.
> What you prob. think of is technical pre-sales or technical sales - or even 
> evangelism. And I'd agree with that and that's what I keep saying all the 
> time - Adobe's local office imho needs
> a) a dedicated platform evangelism role for AU and NZ that reports directly 
> into Ben Forta's evangelism team at Adobe corporate and
> b) more local knowledge within Adobe about CF so that they are actually 
> enabled to support CF in a similar way as they do with Creative Suite, Flex 
> and LiveCycle.
> Cheers
> Kai

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