> > Your government has 25% of the worlds prison population.
> Probably because our cops and prosecutors are better than yours.
Separately,> we lock up far to many non violent drug offenders. Add that
together and we> have too many prisoners. But 25% of the world's
population has to be a wrong> number. China's prison population is
probably larger than our entire> country. If not them, then China and
India together are defiantly. It's not> that we have lost of criminals,
because all countries have lots of 'em, it's> that ours are behind bars.

http://www.uncjin.org/country/country.html at the bottom there is a link
to a UK government report in PDF format, 8 million prisioners in the
world, 1.7 million in the US.

So i stand corrected, 21.25% of the worlds population is in US prisions
by the UK governments study.

Land of the ?


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