Hi,To take your argument one step further - towards the end of the second
world war America helped a lot of "nazis" to leave Germany
so they could work on America's nuclear programme. The OSS (forerunner of
the CIA) helped a lot of SS to get jobs in and around the American continent
in return for certain"information".
Even in those days the OSS were involved with "goings on" concerning the
Vatican, P2, and others towards a "united" Europe including members of the
nazi party which directly affect the way Europe looks today. America has
always turned a blind eye to "Human Rights" as long as it was in their
interests they don't mind a world war as long as it is NOT in their back
garden. I think America's policy was best summed up by Ronald Reagan - "all
nuclear war should be confined to Europe as much as possible".  One last
thing If any of you get a chance Start with todays head of the CIA and work
backwards in time and see how many of his predecessors were members of the
Knights of Malta and why? I think you will be surprised with the answer.
Thanks Jack.

-------Original Message-------

From: chat@freenetproject.org
Date: 08 January 2002 02:57:30
To: chat at freenetproject.org
Subject: Re: [freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 11:06:18PM -0600, Mark J Roberts wrote:
> Glenn McGrath:
> > Dmitry Skylarov
> Comrade Skylarov is a known communist and former KGB officer.

Whether he was a Communist or not is irrelevent in this case.

> > Your government murders its prisoners (capital punishment), your
> > government dictates to the world via your foreign policy, how is the US
> > government not murdering totalirians ?
> Are you jealous that here in America we have the resolve to take a
> firm stand against criminals, Nazis, and Communists? That our brave
> police officers risk their lives every day, apprehending rapists,
> murderers, and pirates? That wherever there is conflict and
> injustice and strife, you can find American soldiers selflessly
> fighting to better this world?

LOL. History strongly contradicts this. Didn't many major
capitalists in the US back the Nazis up to World War II, thinking that
the Nazis would be useful against the Communists/Stalinists, and then
sided with Stalin once they realized that Hitler got out of control
and decided to conquer all of Europe (and as a result threatened Great
Britain within the network of petty rivalries between capitalists,
which had strong capitalist economic ties with the United States).
And what about all the bloody dictators backed by the United States,
such as Ngo Dinh Diem, Pinochet, the military dictators in Guatamala
and Argentina, Shah Reza Khan, etc.?

> Do these things make you feel inferior? They should.
> > Did your govenment not declare way on afghanistan.
> Please, take 30 seconds to proofread your posts. The discipline
> required may perhaps be too great for a communist - if at first you
> don't succeed, try, try, try again. Thanks.

How ironic that you're criticizing some of us (and not even using the
correct ad hominem attacks) while your own posts are extremely
LOGICALLY incoherent.

> Anyway, yes, our great military took a stand against the theocratic,
> terrorist Taliban, and drove those turbaned tyrants out. Our noble
> relief agencies worked tirelessly in that hostile and war-torn land
> to feed the starving masses. And now our experienced diplomats are
> carefully crafting a free and prosperous state upon the wreckage of
> oppression and misery.

Didn't the US government PAY the Taliban not long before a shitload of
money just to declare that growing opium poppies is a sin against

> You, being a communist, certainly oppose such actions, but you sure
> didn't have to tell me that.

Is EVERYONE who disagrees with your views a "Communist" in your mind?

> > Over 1 million IRAQI children died becasue of lack of food and medical
> > equipment, does 1 million count as mass famine?
> Yes, it certainly does. That monster Saddam is allowed to starve
> those kids because communists like you take to the streets in
> violent protests whenever anyone tries to fix a problem like this.

It's far, far more than food, and you should have enough of a clue to
realize that, but then from the rest of what you've just posted,
that's unlikely. Ever heard of WATER SANITATION? The US bombed the
water treatment plants on Iraq, and through the embargo has made it
impossible for Iraq to get materials to repair the plants and
chemicals and other supplies to keep the ones that weren't hit
running. A LARGE quantity of the deaths due to the US in Iraq are
from water-borne disease, as a result.

> There are all sorts of disturbing things about communists, but by
> far the most disturbing is their boundless sadism.

Sorry to tell you this, but Communism and particularly Stalinism is
obsolete. If you look at "the movement" today, you'll see FAR more
anarchists than Communists, and this number of anarchists is steadily

Yes, I know my enemies.
They're the teachers who tell me to fight me.
Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission, ignorance,
hypocrisy, brutality, the elite.
All of which are American dreams.

- Rage Against The Machine
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