Travis Bemann:
> Didn't many major capitalists in the US back the Nazis up to World
> War II,

No. Only a rabid communist would believe such a ludicrous
revisionist history.

> And what about all the bloody dictators backed by the United
> States, such as Ngo Dinh Diem, Pinochet, the military dictators in
> Guatamala and Argentina, Shah Reza Khan, etc.?

I salute our allies in the fight against Soviet imperialism. The
only good communist is a dead communist.

> How ironic that you're criticizing some of us (and not even using
> the correct ad hominem attacks)

Unlike you communists, I refuse to use ad hominem tactics. Maybe
they are encouraged in communist universities, but here in the free
world we reject such perversions, just as we reject mass murder.

> Didn't the US government PAY the Taliban not long before a
> shitload of money just to declare that growing opium poppies is a
> sin against Allah?

Illicit drugs are the primary fundraising mechanism for world
communism, and they have the added benefit of destroying our free
society and thus paving the way for the eventual communist takeover.

It was a necessary compromise.

> Is EVERYONE who disagrees with your views a "Communist" in your
> mind?

The vast majority of them, yes.

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