On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 20:37:12 -0600
"Mark J Roberts" <mjr at znex.org> wrote:

> Travis Bemann:
> > government is amoral and has no ethics
> Why, then, does our government punish criminals and not innocent
> people? Why does it fight murderous totalitarian communism, and not
> wage war on democracy and our free market?

Dmitry Skylarov

Your government murders its prisoners (capital punishment), your
government dictates to the world via your foreign policy, how is the US
government not murdering totalirians ?

> Despite whatever paranoid, drug-induced ramblings the admitted
> communist and pedophile (he "earned" his doctorate with sexual
> favors) Noam Chomsky exudes from the ivory tower, the simple and
> obvious fact is that our government rocks.
Unless you can proove your personal comments about Noam Chomsky then try
sticking to what you do know, it doesnt advance your argument at all.
Your government has 25% of the worlds prison population. Your government
has done many things it should be ashamed of.

> > the optimum state of government is eternal war externally and
> > totalitarianism internally
> I know you leftists are pining for eternal war and totalitarianism,
> it's not a big secret - you support Soviet imperialism and Osama Bin
> Laden, remember? (In fact, your raving pinko leader Chomsky recently
> traveled to Pakistan to incite anti-American hatred and support for
> the totalitarian Taliban theocracy.)

Do you think war is the tool any one type of government ?
Did your govenment not declare way on afghanistan.

> Yes, that's right, surely anyone who does not support mass murder
> and famine and communism has been duped by the capitalist propaganda
> organs. I must agree it's quite effective.
Over 1 million IRAQI children died becasue of lack of food and medical
equipment, does 1 million count as mass famine ? Do you know many more
innocent aghans have died than were killed in the WTC.

> So you've said, you smug communist butcher.
Is there any logic in this statment ?

> Of course communists such as yourself have no respect for the law.
> Take your Marxist legal theory and your Gulag and move to North
> Korea where they'll be appreciated. Please, go.

Are you afraid of what you dont understand, because you certainly havent
shown any insight in ANY of your comments, and you seem to be just
trying to send mindless insults rather than rational counter arguments.

How old are you ?


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