The third issue of the Guide to Chodosh was mailed out on March 6 and 7.  The following are corrections and additions to the third issue of the Guide.


The new Guide includes a notice of major changes coming to in next year's Guide.  We will essentially not recommend food items and establishments that are not under hashgocho for Yoshon, or for which we can not determine the Yoshon status independently of the company's information.  We have received several distressed phone calls and messages from cities away from the New York City area.  Yoshon consumers living in these cities are much more dependent on national brands without hashgocho for Yoshon than are people in the New York Metropolitan area.  They misunderstood our notice as meaning that such national brands will not be listed at all.  We do plan to keep listing as many of these national brands as possible.  We will continue to give updated dating codes for these brands.  However some cutoff dates may be earlier than they would have been in previous years.  In many cases, when we can verify the Yoshon status of the food independently of the claims of the company we will continue to list these as being Yoshon.  For example, we expect to keep listing as Yoshon Heckers flour and Gold Medal flour from Kansas City, code KC.  In addition, the section on pasta and noodles, for example, will remain virtually unchanged, because we already applied these new rules to these items this past year.  All in all, we will do our best to minimize difficulty for consumers away from the New York Metropolitan area.  We welcome further comments on this subject.


Diari pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore, only up to the packing date of Oct 24, code 24-10-05.


Primoro pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore, only up to the packing date of Oct 24, code 24-10-05.


Spiga pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore, only up to the packing date of Oct 24, code 24-10-05.


American Roland pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore, only up to the packing date of Oct 24, code 24-10-05.


Gustoro cous cous is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of Baltimore, only up to the packing date of Oct 24, code 24-10-05.


LeChaim products,  including candy bars and potato chip products, are Yoshon only with a Yoshon label.


Kemach graham crackers with a code of 1P33Y and 1P332Y are Yoshon.


Shalom Kosher Pizza, 3916 18th Ave, Brooklyn.  Telephone 718-435-2696.  Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav Babad.


Dependable high gluten flour, including those in 5, 6, and 7 pound bags, are Yoshon including the malt.


Gold Medal self-rising flour with KC in the code is Yoshon.


Gefen soup mandlen are from Israel and are Yoshon.





The PDF version of the third issue of the Guide is now available from BOTH sites:





The third issue of the Guide, as was the case with the second issue, only includes part two of the Guide.  Part one, which is not changed from the first issue has not been reproduced.  To get the PDF version of part one, send a blank e-mail message to the following address:




The new Guide, both parts, is also available for downloading by computers with telephone modems without the use of the Internet.  You may get the Guide by dialing directly into our BBS.  For instructions on how to use the BBS call the telephone hot line at 845-356-5743.




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