Section 3.1 of the Guide urges consumers to look for the Yoshon label on packaged foods. If the package contains a hashgocho for kashrus, besides the Yoshon label, then the Yoshon is guaranteed by the organization providing the kashrus hashgocho. This is true for all kashrus hashgochos we have contacted except for two. The CRC (Hisachdus, Central Rabbinical Council) and the Volover Rav, Rabbi Nochum Efraim Teitelbaum. (He is not to be confused with Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbater Rav, who does give hashgocho for Yoshon.) Any package with a Yoshon label, where the only hashgocho for kashrus is either the CRC or the Volover Rav, is NOT under hashgocho for Yoshon and therefore, under our new guidelines, can not be recommended.

Zomicks and Steinberg Bakeries in the Five Towns, Long Island, NY. The following have been confirmed as being under the hashgocho of the O-K Labs for Yoshon: Zomicks-all products, Gotta-Getta-Bagel-all products, Bessys Famous-all products, Steinbergs-all products except choice grain bread (6 grain bread). These products are sold in the retail bakeries, as well as in groceries throughout the Metropolitan New York area.

Manischewitz cake mixes and all matzo products including whole wheat are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.

King Arthur flour, all flours including all whole wheat and bread flours, the Chodosh code is Aug 9 2007 (1 year after packing). The exception is the first all-purpose white flour discussed on page 28 of the Guide, which is from winter wheat.

Great Neck Kosher Pizza, 185 Great Neck Road, Great Neck, NY. The statement Everything Yoshonshould be deleted. Only the pizza is Yoshon.

Quaker cereals sold in the USA but made in Canada. Those that contain oats,  The table on page 35 should have added to it for such Canadian made cereals.with oats, the Chodosh codes are for 180 days Feb 6 2007, for 270 days May 7 2007,  for 300 days June 6 2007, for 360 days Aug 5 2007.

Samuel Adams beer is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star-K of Baltimore up to package code of April 30 2006.

Gefen noodles and pasta. The Guide gives the cutoff code of 06228. Apparently at his time the company is using a code where the day and the year are interchanged. The revised cutoff code is 2286 (228=day of year, 6=year)

Liebers items. The date given in the Guide is the purchase date.


The Guide to Chodosh was mailed out by the end of August. By now all those who subscribed for the printed version should have received it. If you did not, please call the Hot Line at 845-356-5743.

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King David Kosher Bakery in Chicago is closed.

Pam Baking spray is listed on page 31 of the Guide as being without flour. Check the ingredients. Some do contain flour. If they do, then the Chodosh code is Aug 9 2008 (2 years after packing.)

General Mills Honey Nut Chex cereal is listed twice in the cereal table on page 34 of the Guide. The only correct listing is 310 days.

Ronzoni and other pastas: There are several brands of pasta listed on pages 26 and 27 that have the Chodosh code of 6228. These include Bordens, Creamette, Prince, Ronzoni, San Giorgio, Skinner and Vimco. Those codes are still valid. However, some consumers have had difficulting locating this code. The packages also have printed a Best if used bydate. That date is Aug 16 2008, 2 years after packing for egg pasta and Aug 16 2009, 3 years for non-egg pasta. To avoid confusion, we recommend that you use the code in the Guide, if you can find it.

Oronoque pie crust. The code given on page 39 is still valid. However, the packages also have printed a Best if used bydate. That date is 18 months after packing, code Feb 9, 2008.

Malt-O-Meal Scooters cereal Chodosh code is March 26 07. (8 months after packing.)

Mishpacha additions. All are Yoshon under hashgocho (0) Whole wheat flour, Whole wheat elbow macaroni, spaghetti, spirals.


The following are updates to the Baltimore list of Yoshon facilities. All are under the hashgocho of the Star-K of Baltimore. All facilities not listed here have not been changed from the information in the current Guide:

0 Caramels Pizza, 700 Reisterstown Rd, 410-486-2365, All products are Yoshon.

0 Parisers Bakery, 6711 Reisterstown Rd, 410-764-1700, All products are yoshon.

0 Schmell & Azman Uptown Bakery, 7006 Reisterstown Rd, 410-484-7343, All products are yoshon.

0 Sions Bakery, 302 Reisterstown Rd, 443-548-0370, All products are yoshon.

Ñ Catering by Weiss. New phone number is 443-394-8338.

Ñ Catering by Yaffa, New phone number is 410-486-3325.

Ñ Eden Cafe at Owings Mills JCC, 3506 Gwynbrook Ave. 410-356-0010. The following products are Yoshon; French Fries, Pasta items, Pita, Pizza, Soups and Wraps. Must inquire as to the Yoshon status of all other items.

Ñ Eden Cafe at Park Heights JCC, 5700 Park Heights Ave., 410-542-5185, The following products are Yoshon; French Fries, Pasta items, Pita, Pizza, Soups and Wraps. Must inquire as to the Yoshon status of all other items

Ñ The Knish Shop, 508 Reisterstown Rd, 410-484-5850, Sandwiches - Upon request, only one type of sandwich bread is available as yoshon. Fish cakes, pasta salads and soups are yoshon. For all other items, please inquire in store for their yoshon status.

Ñ Mama Leahs Gourmet Kosher Pizza, 1852 Reisterstown Rd, 410-653-7600, At this time all items are yoshon. However, a sign will be posted as items become unavailable as yoshon. Refer to this sign for up-to-date information on non-yoshon items.

Ñ Milk and Honey Bistro, 1777 Reisterstown Rd, 410-486-4344, Only the following items are yoshon: pizza, pasta, soups, cheese blintzes, french toast, bagels, wraps, waffles and pancakes. Other items are available as yoshon upon request

0 Greenspun Bagels are yoshon.




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