i think the oligarchs aka "russian mafia" aka "mossad" kill many of the 
journalists, like the FORBES editor who published their names.  these 
"oligarchs" are actually in opposition to putin.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 1:41 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: Putin: Once A KGB Thug, Always A KGB Thug

>I just read that the Russians have murdered twelve journalists while
> the US was murdering a number of journalists in Iraq and in the US.
> Were any journalists on the four 911 planes or in WTC? Were any
> journalists killed in Lebanon by US bombs in the summer of 2006? Have
> any journalists been killed by US bombs or munitions or helicopters in
> Gaza lately? Would the total be greater than twelve?
> The Italian female journalist who was shot at by US troops in Iraq
> would have been another if an Italian intelligence official had not
> purposely caught the bullets and died.
> Have the Israelis, US proxies, shot any journalists lately? You can
> see video re-runs of one such shooting on FSTV or LINKTV from time to
> time. You can hear a dialog back and forth between an American TV crew
> in Gaza and some Israeli tank crews and then Israeli tanks fire and
> kill one of the journalists on purpose.
> -Bob
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "norgesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Putin: Once A KGB Thug, Always A KGB Thug
>> Crude assassinations, espionage and power grabs are Kremlin calling card
>> Steve Watson
>> Infowars.net
>> Tuesday, November 21, 2006
>> It may not be called the Soviet Union anymore, however its
> leadership is infested with old school Russian thugs and KGB
> criminals. As the London Guardian reports, the poisoning of former
> Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko in a London restaurant is the latest
> in a line of attacks on the Kremlin's opponents abroad. The
> "defectors" who have fled the criminality and now speak out against
> the pantomime of Russian democracy in the name of freedom and human
> rights are failing to be given safe haven by the West as our
> governments cozy up to Vladimir Putin's tyrannical regime.
>> Litvinenko, an ex FSB (post Soviet KGB) operative, has seemingly
> been subjected to three times the fatal dose of thallium, a tasteless,
> odourless killer used in rat poison until, in the 1970s. It is unclear
> whether he will survive.
>> his friends and ex colleagues, most probably fearing they are next,
> have directly blamed the Russian government for the poisoning. They
> say Russia wanted to stop Litvinenko investigating last month's
> assassination of the campaigning journalist Anna Politkovskaya, whom
> he was also friends with. They believe the Kremlin was also to blame
> for Politkovskaya being shot outside her Moscow apartment.
>> During a recent debate at the Frontline club , a private members'
> club for foreign correspondents in London, on the murder of Anna
> Politkovskya, Mr Litvenenko was filmed standing up from the audience
> and saying: "I can directly answer you - it is President Putin of the
> Russian federation who has killed her". He goes on to make several
> more allegations against both Mr Putin and the Kremlin.
>> Anna Politkovskaya was Putin's most prominent critic, and at the
> time of her death was about to publish a powerful story about torture
> and abductions in Chechnya. Her death brings to at least 13 the number
> of journalists killed in contract-style killings since Putin came to
> power in 2000, according to the New-York based Committee to Protect
> Journalists (CPJ). This systematic silencing of journalists, in
> addition to killing off all independent TV news networks, represents
> the destruction of the very short lived free press in Russia.
>> Politkovskaya had accused Putin of stifling freedom and failing to
> shake off his past as a KGB agent, possibly working in conjunction
> with the East German Stasi. According to the Washington Post:
>> "Putin defends the Soviet-era intelligence service to this day. In
> recent comments to a writers' group in Moscow, he even seemed to
> excuse its role in dictator Joseph Stalin's brutal purges, saying it
> would be "insincere" for him to assail the agency where he worked for
> so many years. Fiercely patriotic, Putin once said he could not read a
> book by a Soviet defector because "I don't read books by people who
> have betrayed the Motherland."
>> It comes as little surprise that Alexander Litvinenko has thus been
> targeted for speaking out about Politkovskaya. Protesters around the
> world have denounced Putin as her murderer.
>> Politkovskaya herself had previously been poisoned by the secret
> services as she attempted to report on the unfolding Beslan school
> massacre in 2003, an event which the majority of Russians now believe
> was a staged government psy-op involving Intelligence and military
> police, aimed at once again smearing Chechen separatists and securing
> more state powers for Putin's government.
>> This is a long favoured strategy of Putin's government which came to
> power as a result of an FSB plot in the autumn of 1999 which involved
> blowing up apartment blocks all around Russia and blaming the attacks
> on Chechen separatists, thus playing on Russian fears of the fierce
> Muslim Chechens both to start a new war in Chechnya and to win Putin
> the presidential elections.
>> Litvinenko's book, Blowing Up Russia, details this claim, another
> reason for his attempted assassination. The ex-operative, who Russia
> says was removed from the FSB for corruption, claims he left because
> he did not want to carry out an FSB order to assassinate the man who
> was then Putin's political Enemy Number One - Exiled Russian media
> tycoon Boris Berezovsky. Berezovsky had detailed Putin's direct
> involvement in the terrorist act that eventually brought him to power.
>> In a London Telegraph article, Oleg Gordievsky, a former KGB colonel
> today states:
>> I know that today the KGB has tried to kill my friend. Tomorrow it
> could be me and the day after it could be another London-based critic
> of Mr Putin's government. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the KGB,
> my old employer, has been renamed the FSB. But I know its methods are
> unchanged from those perfected in the darkest hours of Stalin's reign
> of terror.
>> He knows that the west has failed to call his government to account
> for the suspicious circumstances surrounding Ms Politkovskaya's
> murder. Indeed on the day she died, President Bush trumpeted Russia's
> acceptance into the World Trade Organisation. Yet Mr Putin is
> eliminating his opponents with the same ruthless determination
> displayed by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. Western leaders are pursuing a
> hypocritical policy of appeasement that is encouraging the ruthless
> instincts of Russia's leaders.
>> Despite his criminal rise to power, his KGB past and such systematic
> dismantling of democracy by Putin, he and George Bush are "best
> friends". After meeting in 2001, Bush declared that he had peered into
> his soul and liked what he saw there.
>> The friendship continued as Putin urged US voters to re-instate Bush
> in 2004.
>> The reason Putin, a man who finds rape admirable, likes Bush so much
> is that he can get away with whatever he wants without worry of
> recrimination. As prominent Russian experts have stated, there is an
> agreement between the two whereby in return for Russian acquiescence
> in the war on terror agenda in the middle east, the Bush
> administration has ignored Putin's undemocratic, freedom restricting
> takeover of the country and the EU.
>> Despite a hideous human rights record, a total crackdown on civil
> rights, and the fact that it is now the world's largest exporter of
> arms to the developing world, which includes $700 million in
> surface-to-air missiles to Iran and new aerial refueling tankers to
> China, Russia has been welcomed into the World Trade Organisation with
> open arms.
>> This is because the Russian style of "democracy" is the globalists'
> chosen model for Europe. The EU is being "harmonised" to this system.
> As Putin declared in 2003 at the EU summit:
>> "Only by acting together can Russia and the enlarging European Union
> direct the process of the formation of a new world order, common
> values and interests."
>> The Bilderberg agenda of artificial hiking of oil and gas prices in
> europe over the last two years and rising the cost of standard of
> living is directly geared towards benefiting the Russian, and beyond
>them the Chinese, models of "democracy" where the state is all
> powerful and the middle class really becomes non-existent.
>> The fact that our governments appease such criminal and ruthless
> acts of state sponsored murder and terror should be enough of a wake
> up call, without even touching upon the fact that we have also caught
> them engaging in them.
>> http://www.infowars.net/articles/november2006/201106KGB.htm
> Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/
> Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
> OM
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