--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Vigilius Haufniensis"
> > There are a lot more assassinations in the US than people realize. But
> > first the US thugocracy tries bribes, then blackmail, then harrassment
> > in degrees. By the time they get to murder, many are so depressed
> > about being dead-ended in their careers that they may actually be
> > committing suicide.
> VMANN:  what of the "satanic cult" aspect of all this?
> it seems to me that there is a "phoenix style" assassination program
on US 
> soil, under the guise of "serial killers," which create the illusion of 
> "random, motiveless" crime.  j edgar hoover said "there is no such
thing as 
> a mafia.  there is no such thing as organized crime in the united
> today, people say the same thing about the "murder for hire" across the 
> entire country in the form of these "satanic" cult groups, whose main 
> functions include narcotics trafficking and leveraging prominent
> vigilius haufniensis

The Darwinist notion of beastly equals civilized, sympathy is sin,
Rockefeller's "to compete against me is sin", difference inferred to
mean inferiority and evolutionary dead end, might makes right as
natural selection, is equivalent to Aleister Crowley's rule,
superficial humanist Lavey satanist belief that rules are made for
breaking as frontier expanding and animist power accumulation method.
Modern gang slogan "it's all good". That's all Darwinist, or you could
say it's all satanist.

If sympathy is sin, so is un-regulated benevolence, just by being
un-regulated. A charity is seen as illegitimate if is not a franchise
of fascism, and again we see hypocrisy. Only CIA fronts, illegitimate
charities, are legitimate, in keeping with un-regulated charity being
bad and sympathy being sin. Even competing with regulated charity is
sin, according to Rockefeller's dictum, so that the first thing Pat
Robertson's death squadding and assassinating charity did in Guatemala
was to drive out independent religious leaders, or arrest them, no
matter what excellent Christians and socially constructive influences
they were. No matter, "to compete against me is sin", sympathy is sin,
and all charities must be fronts or regulated benevolence, surely an
oxymoron if they must be proxies for Pat Robertson's Darwinist racist
eugenic death-squadding and assassinations.

You satanic cults and occult serial killers kill how many compared to
300,000 starved in Iraq during sanctions, 200,000 Guatemalan indians
during death-squadding? And random-ness would dilute even that tiny
number, unless cults were doing two-bullet journalist suicides and hit
and runs. And there is significant occult symbolism and motivational
psychology and even drugs being used in the military, but you will
also find many of Pat Robertson's Darwinist disciples implementing
eugenic hierarchicalism from the moment they identify with the
Crusader Cult. They don't notice all they did was liberate the
poppies, while Osama lives comfortably across the border in plausibly
deniably semi-autonomous Waziristan. Crusaders, rites of passage to
southern manhood, a paying job, a family for young men most of whom
never knew their father as a daddy, and a way to US citizenship for
those CIA will not allow to have democracy and a living wage where
they came from. Those are the cults that kill the most.

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