On Mon February 5 2007, Claude Jones wrote:
> Things have degenerated. I
> haven't really done that much, and the settings I've changed I've reset.
> Now, even if I restart Cinelerra, and load one of my clips, it won't play
> at normal speed. It looks like extreme slow motion. In Kino, the clips play
> perfectly. I'm going to reboot this machine - I know that's a Windows
> thing, but... I do see a big chunk of swap being used, which almost never
> happens on this box.

OK - rebooting restored playability of the files when first loaded. I suspect 
there's something strange going on with the audio drivers on this machine. I 
notice anomalies in audio behavior randomly, and in various apps. Maybe 
that's contributing to my problem. I'm continuing to work on this - all 
suggestions welcome

Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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