Op ma, 05-02-2007 te 19:39 +0100, schreef Herman Robak:
> On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 14:53 +0100, Richard Rasker wrote:
> > There's a checkbox Stop playback lock up in the Playback Preferences
> > when ALSA is selected; checking this option should prevent the lock-up
> > you describe (although I'd have to go and dig around for a more detailed
> > explanation - especially *why* this happens).
>  I think the existance of such a setting (why would you _not_ want to
> prevent ALSA from locking up?!) suggests that nobody really knows why
> this happens.

The fact that this option is a) present, and b) functional seems to
indicate that at least one person knows either why Alsa locks up, or how
a lock-up can be avoided.
Some digging around in the sources seems to indicate that audioalsa.C
contains the code for this; correct me if I'm totally wrong, but this
code seems to process interrupt_workaround, the variable controlled
through the GUI option. But lacking both sufficient C programming skills
and a more complete overview of Cinelerra, I can't really trace what
exactly happens here. The comments suggest some dirty tricks and/or
trial-and-error-programming, though.

>  Or am I wrong?  If anyone is in the know, could we please sort out
> a universal solution that will satisfy all users, out of the box?

It would be nice if this weird option could be sorted out and abolished.
It's too much like "this appears to work but don't ask me how", which is
not good. Then again, this isn't exactly a pressing matter, merely
annoying (although almost every newbie stumbles upon this one).

Richard Rasker

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