On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 19:36 +0200, Christian Thaeter wrote:
> 2) Stop using SVN

I just saw a YouTube vid by Linus who is talking about git:

> Even if commit access is generously handled to people who ask, it's
> still a big blocker as I explained earlier. As long we have only one
> linear history everything has global impact and there is no easy way to
> add new features without running in troubles. There is no easy way that
> small groups of people try and review new features, no easy way to get
> good but intrusive new ideas back into CV.

I think the problem is that there's a lot of good code out there that
isn't making it into the main "tree", for want of a better word (and no,
I'm not necessarily thinking of my code). Actually, I think the problem
is only partly to do with it being in SVN and not in GIT. I think the
main problem is lack of modularity. Without sufficient modularity, GIT
can't help much.

For example, I might even suggest (radically) that the plugins shouldn't
even be in the git repository. People who want to write plugins should
make their own repos consisting only of the plugin they want to submit.
People developing the core of cinelerra wont even care about the
plugins. Users can just download the plugins they're interested in, from
whatever place they are available, and use those. Maybe packagers will
come along and bolt the cinelerra core together with the plugins.

It can go further. Take file loading. If file loaders were plugins, then
that would be another that could be separated out.

What I'm saying is that in order for git to work, you have to have
separate subsytems - with well-defined interfaces, of course.

I could be misunderstanding how git derives its strength, though.But I
think the problem we're seeing is a lot of forks that don't stand much
chance of being propagated to the main branch, which I think is a shame
because it means that a lot of good effort has gone to waste. 

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