
Last dev meetings focussed on the imminent new release of CinelerraCV: version 2.2, planned for October 2.

The new version will be compilable also on newer kernels and will include the famous Bezier patch by Herman Vosseler (ichthyo). Einar is finishing working on improved default settings and standard presets.

For details see the milestone tickets in Trac:

        Please, help CinelerraCV  by testing her!

2 weeks left to the release.
We ask all friends of CinelerraCV (devs and users) to test the changes and report bugs related to those changes.
Please, report back to this mailing list.

        To test compilation on new kernels and the Bezier patch:


Download the source from the above link and compile as usual.
(Grandmas using Ubuntu might find useful compilation instructions at:
http://www.g-raffa.eu/Cinelerra/HOWTO/compilation.html )

For a detailed description of the changes see the commit messages of the last commits of the /construction_site brach:

        To test improved default settings and standard presets:

Please wait. The source will be available shortly.

Thank you!


Remember: only 2 weeks left! It might be your last opportunity! :-)

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