On Mon, 19 Sep 2011 14:43:59 -0400
Paul Taggart <ptagg...@cinci.rr.com> wrote:

> I'm a bit confused, why release an new release of Cinelerra with a
> version of ffmpeg that's 3 or 4 releases out of date? Version 0.4.9 is
> so far away from the current 0.8.2 that most of the ffmpeg functions
> no longer exist. I will build a new patch to work with 0.8.x but a
> decision needs to be made to either abandon or upgrade the internal
> ffmpeg because the amount of changes make supporting both obsolete
> and current versions impractical.

Whenever I try Cinelerra using external ffmpeg on my x86_64 machine, rendered
mpeg (via yuv stream) is totally garbled. However, it works OK with internal

I already posted about (see archives) considering one specific patch has
created the problem.


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all mental speculations…” (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu)

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