It did not take too long ....

It seems that 2.2 and official git 2.15 are crashing on importing DNX_HD files.

More if needed, but for now I have to leave.

signal_entry: got SIGSEGV my pid=1518 execution table size=16:
    mwindowgui.C: create_objects: 257
    mwindowgui.C: create_objects: 261
    mwindowgui.C: create_objects: 268
    mwindowgui.C: create_objects: 271
    mwindow.C: create_objects: 1338
    mwindow.C: create_objects: 1347
    mwindow.C: create_objects: 1353
    mwindow.C: create_objects: 1357
    mwindow.C: create_objects: 1359
    mwindow.C: create_objects: 1361
    mwindow.C: create_objects: 1363
    mwindow.C: create_objects: 1365
    mwindow.C: create_objects: 1372
    mwindow.C: create_objects: 1375
    mwindow.C: load_filenames: 829
    mwindow.C: load_filenames: 887
signal_entry: lock table size=8
    0x7f58fc1d0950 BC_WindowBase::event_condition BC_WindowBase::get_event
    0x7f58fc30f170 MainIndexes::input_lock MainIndexes::run 1
    0x1bb9330 RotateEngine::input_lock RotateEngine::run
    0x1bd3490 RotateEngine::input_lock RotateEngine::run
    0x7f58fc3974a0 ResourceThread::draw_lock ResourceThread::run
    0x7f58fc30fd60 Cinelerra: Program main *
    0x7f58fc23dfa0 TransportQue::output_lock PlaybackEngine::run
    0x7f58fc30e6e0 TransportQue::output_lock PlaybackEngine::run
BC_Signals::dump_buffers: buffer table size=0
BC_Signals::delete_temps: deleting 0 temp files
SigHandler::signal_handler total files=0

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