Look as long as you didn't BS in the interview or resume, they should know
what to expect. If you talk the talk, can you walk the walk, they must think
so, if you've got 2 years of actual work experience you have more than me (
I only have my study experience adn home lab) . I'd say, go for it. I know I
don't learn from doing every thing right. The best learned lessons, are
sometimes, goofs, but you've got an edge, cause you already know how to use
cisco.com and groupstudy to get feedback about issues, problems and others
Ask for help when you need it, learn from the new environment and bring what
you learned from the past to the new, see which has better processes to get
things done, use what you need, volunteer for the new projects and keep
those skills growing, then look back and say holy, years have past, I've
learned a ton (what to do, what not to do) and move up or on.
Yes you might be in over your head, but if you don't challange yourself how
will you grow.
Best of luck and look foreward to hearing how your doing... 
Say since you're a Sr Networking Engineer now, when will you get your CCIE?

Mark Hayes  wrote:
Man, you sound like me. I don't have a job offer though. Either you lack
confidence or you know your own limitations. Odds are it's a confidence
issue. Go for the job and enjoy it!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 2:52 AM
Subject: Am I over my head guys? [7:69746]

Hey guys, I just got an offer to become a 2nd senior network engineer for
this company in Orange Country. Great News i know!!

Dilemma: I am a CCNP but have no local Area Nework Experience. Going to be
workin with Catalyst 6500 switches. Also i have about 2 yrs working with
cisco equipment, however, dont feel i am ready for a senior title and
duties. Also working with cisco routers.

What do you guys think i should do?

1. Take the job and see how it works out? Maybe mess up their network and
look real dumb and unknowledgable on some troubleshooting. risked getting
2. Let the job go, and watch a great opp float away?
3. Keep the existing job i have working with cisco equipment and technology?

p.s. This job is a senior position, so meaning senior pay. very positive
aspect, and a great company going places. over 4000 employees.

Your output is greatly appreciated. Really need some advice. Thanx
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