I'll take a stab at some of this ...

First - If I recall, and I may very well be wrong here, I though DNS
round-robin was solely for load-sharing, not redundancy.

Second - Regarding BGP multi-homing ... some "gotchya's" that we ran into:
        You will need an ASN 
        Some ISP's have netblocks designated as re-routable, if your
netblock isn't one of them they will make you re-address .
        Some ISP's require a /24 netblock to be used for BGP routing
        Some ISP's require that you also register your maintainer object
with RADB 
        Routers must have 64mb RAM for partial/default routes  and be BGP capable 

Also, since you are doing this for fault-tolerance reasons, I would also
recommend using:
two separate routers ... 
each with 1 WIC and 2 FastEthernet interfaces
        the WIC  --> ISP
        Fast 0/0 --> your LAN , running HSRP 
        Fast 0/1 --> other router ... this will be for iBGP 
And you could then multi-home each of your servers to each of the switches
and use NIC teaming for redundancy there

In this case - all of your outbound traffic will use the ISP connected to
the router with the "active" HSRP address, while all inbound traffic will
come in via the ISP with the lowest BGP 'cost' from the source ... not
balancing, but load sharing .

I am probably forgetting something here, but the idea is to have no single
point of failure :)

-----Original Message-----
We are trying to have the web servers in our LAN accessible to the
internet via 2 T1's from different providers -- more for redundancy than

load sharing, though that matters too.  Currently we have 2 T1's, each
giving us a different set of IP addresses.  That just lets us put some
sites on each T1 -- doesn't give us an ounce of redundancy.

I've been told that if we get a router with 2 WIC's that can speak BGP
(Cisco 2600 or better) that may solve our problem.  I'm very new to
routing, so can someone answer some basic questions?

Thanks in advance.

Daniel Wilson, BSCS, MCP
Application Developer

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