Change the original posters question to include:

How about a CCNA, CCDA, CCNP, CCDP, CCIE with 16 years of Telecom
experience.  (DS0,DS1, DS3, OC-3 to OC-192, DWDM)  Telco switch etc.
(test, turn-up, trouble-shooting)    and only physical experience with IT?

""Guy""  wrote in message
> Well, more power to you!!!
> As far as what you should expect....
> An entry level NOC position.... If you go in with the attitude that you
> should be at a Senior Level because of the IE, then you will be one of the
> ones crying about how theres no jobs available... Which ever way you go, I
> doubt your CCIE will have any more leverage than your CCNP will...
> that might be a good move for you is a latteral move within your ISP. in
> AS support or something....  But it sounds like you are the person the
> average user calls when they cant get the little E thing on their desktop
> do anything.... If thats your position, get out and move... If you support
> the companies about their T1, then your in a good starting place...
> Best of luck, everyone has to start, but Im afraid the CCIE at this stage
> may hurt you...
> Heres what I mean.... You are qualified for entry level... Your
> Certifications say you are over qualified.... Your work experience says
> under qualified for your certs...
> What does an employer do? If they have delt with a CCIE before, they
> probobly wont consider you because they dont have the confidence in you to
> control their multi million dollar network....
> On the otherside... Your certifications would get you overlooked for the
> positions you would excel at quickly and allow you to get the experience,
> because they dont think you would accept any offer for a lower position...
> So your resume gets dumped....
> Some important things to consider.....
> I would not consider your resume if it had all of that, and all within one
> year... My first instinct would be BRAIN DUMPS... CHEET SHEETS....
> TRANSCENDERS...., and I would throw your resume away....
> Now someone with CCNA, maybe CCNP, but not too much, would get my
> for a good paying entry to mid level position....
> CCIE is upper level position.... Cant put you in charge of my team of
> engineers with experience levels ranging from 2-10 years when you have
> 0-1.... No one would folllow you. It would not be a good team anymore....
> These are things beyond the technical aspect that management must face.
> Just think about it.. Im not trying to keep you from succeding, just
> to keep you from hurting yourself...
> Its like the small company that saves up their money for a Super Bowl
> They get 3 million responses and their 2 man company cant handle it....
> happens to them?
> They run themselves out of business... too much too fast...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Neiberger"
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 4:31 PM
> Subject: Re: CCIE starting pay [7:33899]
> > To go through those certs that quickly is very impressive!  If you pass
> > the lab, I still think you will get a lot of funny looks when you say
> > you have no work experience, yet you are a CCIE.  As long as you're
> > prepared for that, it's up to you to sell yourself.  It will be tough
> > but I think if you can show that you really know your stuff, you should
> > be able to find a pretty good job.
> >
> > However, I wouldn't count on a huge salary right at the begging simply
> > because of the certifications.
> >
> > Good luck!
> > John
> >
> > >>> "Joe Carr"  1/31/02 12:33:02 PM >>>
> > I'm going for my CCIE now and I have completed the CCNA,CCDA,CCNP,CCIE
> > written all within the last five months. I currently work for an ISP in
> > tech
> > support (help desk) and I do not not have NOC experience. I have a
> > very
> > impressive lab and plan to boe done with the CCIE lab in about four
> > months.
> > am just wondering what I should expect out there, I just turrend 21 so
> > I
> > still pritty young yet but I have gotten all of these certs plus an
> > and A+ in less then a year.
> >
> > Joe Carr
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "John Neiberger"
> > To: ;
> > Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 12:47 PM
> > Subject: Re: CCIE starting pay [7:33899]
> >
> >
> > > I'd be surprised if you could find a CCIE with no work experience.
> > Even
> > > if you could, they wouldn't be worth that much, IMHO.  Assuming I
> > pass
> > > in April, I'll have just over three years experience and a CCIE
> > > certification.  What does that mean?
> > >
> > > Well, it means that if I leave my current job to look for work
> > > elsewhere, I'll be going up against CCIEs with 5-7+ years experience
> > > plus degrees.  Someone with only three years experience still isn't
> > > going to be the most marketable person around.
> > >
> > > If you somehow managed to get CCIE and have no work experience at
> > all,
> > > I wouldn't expect a starting salary higher than a CCNA.
> > >
> > > John
> > >
> > > >>> "Joe Carr"  1/31/02 11:26:39 AM >>>
> > > what would be the average starting pay for CCIE with no work
> > > experience.

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