Sorry - Can't agree with that.

Do you think that being a Cisco partner means you don't have Paper Certs?
I work for a gold partner. We have paper certs all over the place. Probably
more than others, because our company needs the certs for the partner
People are pushed in to taking the exams quicker than they would like to.
I can read to pass an exam, but I would prefer to study the subjects more

I believe Cisco specifies a certain amount of investment in training, lab
equipment etc. but how is it regulated?
Badly I think.


""Oliver Nadalin""  wrote in message
> I agree with everything said so far...what needs to change is the way
> Microsoft, and now Cisco and most training providers and study guide
> publishers advertise the IT industry as a way of making the 'big bucks' -
> the only people making the big bucks are these guys. People looking for a
> career change read the hype about how much money can be made becoming an
> MCSE, CCNA etc so they take courses, study guides, practice exams - with
> experience - get the cert then all of a sudden the industry is flooded.
> I'd like to see something like what Compaq does with the ASE - you can
> get the cert if you are working for a Compaq partner....this would really
> cut down on the amount of paper certified people. A little heavy handed
> i think for the best in the long term - at least protects the integrity of
> the certification industry and the industry in general.
> ""Guy""  wrote in message
> > A CCIE With no work experience????
> >
> > I think most employers would shy away from that! A CCNP, or CCNA
> > but CCIE... Im not sure. That would be like a Brain surgeon with no work
> > experience... WHat would you pay him to operate on your brain????
> >
> > Makes you think eh??? I think your best bet is to get a job as a CCNP or
> > CCNA, get a year or two experience (Minimum) then worry about CCIE.
> > work some other certs in there too, like Unix or maybe Microsoft or
> > something to round you out a bit more and make some opportunities in the
> > market for yourself... Or firewalls, and or something like tripwire
> >
> > My point is, If you have a CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, and 50 other certifications
> > behind your name, and no work experience, poeple are going to know you
> a
> > good test taker, but you will still be starting off at the bottom. With
> > salary range of maybe 30-50k But that CCIE is not going to make it 100k
> > matter what your cousins brother or whatever told you. All the
> > certifications are for is to take someone who has the experience, and
> > skills, and gives them something they can use as proof of their
> >
> > It is not for an entry level person to get so they can get a higher
> > pay... All that does is cheapen the cert.
> >
> > Look at the MCSE. Back when I took my MCSE, that cert gave me
> I
> > walked out of every interview with an offer. I could make my own
> I
> > took my MCSE after several years of workwith Net systems including
> > IBM OS/2, and Microsoft. It was more of a proof of my skill set. Not a
> proof
> > I can read Brain Dumps, and hope I will do ok if someone gives me the
> > chance...
> >
> > Now days you mention MCSE, and what goes through your mind??? Thats
> > Worthless.....
> >
> > Now why is that?
> >
> > Its because people with no skills heard of someone who became an MCSE,
> > started making 70k or whatever... Then that person decided,.... Hey, I
> > do that.... And found Transcenders etc... Became an M CSE, but cant even
> > copy files to a floppy ....
> >
> > This happened on a large scale, and soon employers were hiring worthless
> > MCSEs, and were getting frustrated...
> >
> > Now, in the IT industry, it has become a low level Cert... TO me that
> ticks
> > me off. Ive been an MCSE since 96, and mine is prrof of the pudding....
> not
> > a piece of paper...
> >
> > Now, Cisco is becoming the same way. Look at how many people are
> > CCNP...CCNA...etc... How many of those people could configure a medium
> level
> > network lab without the directions????
> >
> > How many could trouble shoot their way out of a paper bag????
> >
> > If people dont try to really learn the systems, all certifications will
> > no better than a 3rd grade diploma!
> >
> > sorry for my soap box, just really feel people take these things the
> > way.... If people dont wake up, then all of this is for nothing...
> >
> > I would not be happy spending a couple thousand dollars to get a 3rd
> > diploma????
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Joe Carr"
> > To:
> > Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 12:26 PM
> > Subject: CCIE starting pay [7:33899]
> >
> >
> > > what would be the average starting pay for CCIE with no work

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