Carroll and others wrote:

I hate to sound like the old geezer of the group, but I've seen the
up/down turns of the industry many times....

I got into the industry in 1981 working for Burroughs later they 
merged with Sperry-Univac and became known as Unisys....

Back then, pretty much no one had ever heard of Microsoft, Sun Microsystems,
Apple, etc.....IBM was it....

At the time I was in my early 20's, I watched grown men in their 50's, who
were career employees of Burroughs/Unisys leave work crying like a baby
they had been laid off with no hope of getting another job paying close to
what they
were making, remember the IT industry was nothing compared to what it is

I made a decision then that I would never be in a situation that I
absolutely had 
to have any particular job....

I currently work for a small systems integrator, I do mostly Cisco and HP
Openview work, 
but from time to time I do desk top work, basically whatever is called for.
I come to
work everyday knowing full well that it might be the last day I'm employed. 

I always have a plan in the back of mind of what I would do if I did get
laid off. My plan is
to become an Independent Consultant if/when I ever get laid off, I maintain
a list of potential 
customers that I've done work for that I would contact in a minute if I get
let go...

The IT industry is in a state of turmoil as many of you have noted, I view
the situation as one
with tremendous opportunities, many of you have indicated companies are
cutting to the bone getting
rid of higher paying more competent Engineers leaving their networks in the
hands of neophytes. I would
be all over these companies offering my services for a contracted price. The
potential customer might be
interested because they don't have to incur the cost of hiring an employee,
plus they can get rid of you 
without the severence costs associated with employees....

Basically, what I'm saying is, those of you wondering where your next job is
coming from, create the job
yourself, don't wait for it to come to you.....

Stephen Manuel

-----Original Message-----
Carroll Kong
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: what is wrong with the job market ? [7:35611]

At 09:51 PM 2/18/02 -0500, Kevin St.Amour wrote:
>Just a thought.
>     Just as there is a glut of Fiber, I believe the market created a
>glut of  Tech works. I remember going to a Technical School, and before
>slapping down 15k for a networking Degree in 1998 (BTW, the school went
>under a year ago )  I heard numbers like "This industry
>will be behind 500k Tech workers due to lack of Skill by 2004...Get the
>skills now.... (paraphrasing)"

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