I agree lose the CCIE written as a cert.

I'm almost in the same situation as you, but I decided to get my CCIE first
then go back and get the MBA.  But, the two "certification" lead down two
entirely different paths -   One is a highly technical field while the other
focuses on Business and Accounting and Marketing.  Sometimes I feel like
they don't necessarly compliment each other.  I say if your heavy into tech
stuff, have a job in the router field, then get the CCIE first, otherwise
don't waste your time, because you'll forget it all if you don't have a job
where you use it while going to school.


RFC 1149 Compliant.

""Oliver Nadalin""  wrote in message
> I agree - do the CCNP....get your MBA. There is a glut of Cisco people at
> the moment - no matter what country your are in. The MBA would probably be
> better choice in the long term - anyways, once you attain your CCNP level
> (or CCIP) and you keep your skills current by practicing regularly you
> should still be OK for the CCIE further down the track.
> BTW - Tim? Drop the 'CCIE Written' 'bit' from you acronym collection...it
> ain't cool no more :)
> ""Tim Booth""  wrote in message
> > My suggestion is to get your DP and NP and see if you like it, if you
> > have time. Then you can make a more educated decision. Certainly, if you
> > have access to most/all of the routers and switches that are in the CCIE
> > lab page exam, then it would be good to take advantage of your
> > situation.
> >
> >   As far as availability of jobs and such, I don't know this
> > information.
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> > Tim Booth
> > MCDBA, CCNP, CCDP, CCIE written
> > -----------------------------------------
> > Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
> > safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
> > Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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