Brian... I'd be interested to hear what your results are... as the
documentation for 6.2 says that it only supports PPPoE/DHCP connections on
the 501 and 506 models of PIX.  If you get it to work on the 515, that would
be good to know.

Since you changed GSPs, does that mean that you don't have to worry about
PPPoE, and you just simply get a Dynamic IP straight off the wire??  Only
reason I ask is, I have SWB DSL, and it's the "Enhanced" service, which
simply means I get 5 static IPs assigned to me.  The technical difference
for my CPE connecting to them, whether it be a Cisco Router or the PIX, is
that I don't have to configure the User ID/Password Authentication stuff
anymore.... which was something I had to do with the Basic Service, and it
was dependent upon PPPoE.

Anyway... let us know how you do!


-----Original Message-----
Brian Zeitz
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: Configuring Pix with EnterNet DSL [7:43302]

I am going to try to hook up a Pix to an ADSL line with a dynamic IP,
this should be interesting. In the past I have tried Microsoft ISA
SERver 2000 Enterprise with ADSL, it had a lot of trouble binding the
packet filters cause the IP was dynamic. The fix, install a Netgear
router before the firewall.

Also for PPPoE testing purposes, Windows XP has the PPPoE stuff built in
it. All you need is a XP machine, and a DSL Modem. Use BroadBand
connection when creating an internet connection. Good when the service
provider INSISTs that you have 1 PC hooked up to the DSL modem. Even
though you own a business account. This is the biggest scam in the book,
but I don't pay the bill ;)

Now, I am going to try a Pix 515U, with an ADSL dynamic IP. I am not
sure what the results will be. I could buy another cheapy router, but
just to learn it, and see what results I get, im going to hook it up to
the DSL line. This is just for development. Eventually I will get real
cisco routers.

Also I had verizon change my ADSL Global Service provider. I was having
some routing problems within verizons network. Now I have Qwest, and
everything is cool. So ill try the pix with the new GSP. If anyone wants
to contact me about ADSL or pIx 515 stuff, feel free.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Odette II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 3:20 PM
Subject: RE: Configuring Pix with EnterNet DSL [7:43302]

I assume you are referring to the fact that your DSL is PPPoE DSL (You
to install the EnterNet DSL software on your computer if you want to
the DSL Gateway and connect to the internet (which also means you use a
Name/Password combination to connect) ....correct!?!

If so, what model PIX do you have?

The 501/506 models support PPPoE under 6.2.1.

The following link should get you started....


-----Original Message-----
Ronnie Higginbotham
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 10:32 AM
Subject: Configuring Pix with EnterNet DSL [7:43302]

I am new to the Pix setup has anybody configured a PIX with EnterNet DSL
setup. Any config help would be appreciated.

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