Let me just make one point.

""Neal Rauhauser 402-301-9555""  wrote in message
> I recently asked who was doing CCIP and got a raft of responses - "Its
> just like the CCNP",  "Just got get your CCIE", "It doesn't make sense".
>   Rather than continuing that thread I thought I'd highlight the
> differences and mention why the CCIP is more interesting than CCIE in
> many cases.
>   The CCNP covers routing, switching, remote access, and
> troubleshooting.  When completed, the cert holder is capable of entering
> IOS commands without having too many of them spelled out, and can
> identify the correct books to read to fill in his/her knowledge gaps. No
> disrespect intended - I've got it, its done wonders for my career, but
> the biggest effect I've seen is that it has let me accurately articulate
> just how much further I have to go.
>   The CCIE is full of useless crap from the perspective of a service
> provider. DLSw+? I mean, do I care about this? And IPX? And Appletalk?
> If you're in a provider environment I *suppose* you could argue it might
> be of some use, but I bet I can make just as good an argument for
> getting your real estate license as a career booster.

 Uh, you do realize, of course, that there are several kinds of CCIE.  If
you don't like all that enterprise-stuff and you want  something that's
SP-oriented, why not try the C/S CCIE?

>   Now look at the CCIP. Nothing *but* routing as a fundamental
> requirement. If you read the other stuff you can see Cisco things this
> is for the big boys only - you'll be working 12xxx boxes and you don't
> care much about ISDN dial support.

>   Where are you going to get good MPLS information? Cisco Press has a
> book out, but CCIE != person who read and fully understood that book. I
> need to configure it, not just be able to define the acronym.
>   And then there is multicast. Conceptually simple, fundamentally evil,
> and known to attract wing nuts with business plans based on it. I've got
> two wing nuts with their checkbooks cocked and locked right now - if
> they can't run a single 384k stream from their site and have it fan out
> to N+1 paying remotes I get to keep eating Ramen, instead of moving up
> to TV dinners.

Sounds like even more reason for you to try the C/S (or perhaps a certain
other cert that I'll just refer to by the letter 'J').

>   There are a lot of other very heavy things in the various CCIP tracks,
> I'm just touching on the ones that can be done with gear I can afford
> and appeal to my existing customer base.

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