On May 19,  4:50pm, "Priscilla Oppenheimer" wrote:
} I guess he's just using an IOS image that doesn't support inter-VLAN
} routing. Can someone point me to a chart? I don't have a CCO login though.

     Feature Navigator is always where to find the answer for questions
like this; however, you need a CCO login to use it.  There was a way
that you could sign up for an account as a consultant, but I can't find
it at the moment.  Anyways, as others have said, he needs a PLUS
image.  This is the closest one to his current image, that I could

IP/FW/IDS PLUS IPSEC 56 -- c2600-io3s56i-mz.12.1-5 (40/16)

The numbers in parantheses indicate DRAM/Flash requirements.  The
question now is does he have a SmartNET contract and which feature sets
is he licenced to use?

     If he is going to upgrade, then he should check for applicable
security advisories ( http://www.cisco.com/go/psirt/ ) and get an IOS
version that has the fixes.

}-- End of excerpt from "Priscilla Oppenheimer"

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