Cisco Newbie wrote:
> First, thanks for all that responded.  One clarification that I
> need address is the following:
> If I cross a L3 router and the outgoing interface is something
> other than Ethernet, will the L2 frame show a new MAC address? 
> In other words, if my outgoing interface is say T1 PPP or even
> a dial-up, should I be seeing a new MAC address?
> Is it only when I cross a L3 device AND my outgoing interface
> is a share medium like Ethernet that a new MAC address will be
> placed on the frame?
> Thanks.
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Yep.  If the IP packet is destined for a non-Ethernet WAN interface, the
appropriate L2 header is encapsulated around it.  In the case of T1 PPP, an
"HDLC-like" header is used.  There no longer is any source or destination
MAC address to be found.  They are both stripped off at the ingress Ethernet
interface of the router.

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