From: zhaohs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   I'm a student of chinese academy of scienses,I am very glad to see
>   your Unicode.sfd for fullUnicode support, now I use the operating
>   system is Ubuntu 6.06 LTS,and I want to manipulate the CJK
>   characters with full Unicode support.
>   I have also seen the test result of edward_lee's,but I can't do it
>   successfully on mu operating system.
>   I have done this for several days,but it is so difficult for
>   me,I'm so sorry for bothy you about this,can you tell me how can I
>   use the Unicode.sfd that you have rewrote to manipulate the "MS
>   UCS-4" ttf fonts, so that I can use it with dvipdfmx to generate
>   pdf files.

Well, I have never tried to convert some of Microsoft's fonts, but
here's what I did to get the *Bitstream Cyberbit* fonts when I still
had CJK4.5.1 (Ubuntu relies on the Debian packages, that's why it uses
an old version).  You will need the package "freetype1-tools".

Install this only if you agree to the following license at

To install Bitstream's Cyberbit TrueType Font, get
and unzip it in "/usr/local/share/fonts/truetype/bitstream/".

Rename the file into "cyberbit.ttf", and make a symlink:
 $ mkdir -p /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/truetype/bitstream/cyberbit
 $ ln -s /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype/bitstream/cyberbit.ttf \
(or better yet, use a relative path).

Now let's make those TeX Font Metric files:
 $ cd /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/truetype/bitstream/cyberbit
 $ ttf2tfm cyberbit.ttf [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ > cyberbit.log

It might be that it can't find Unicode.sfd.  You can use a full path
after the @, like: cyberbit@/usr/share/texmf/fonts/sfd/Unicode.sfd@ .

Move all the .tfm files to
and run "mktexlsr" or "texhash" to update the TEXMF tree.
You can safely delete cyberbit.log.

The font definition file in question is in
/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/CJK/UTF8/c70song.fd .
Change "cyberb" into "cyberbit" in the two \DeclareFontShape lines.

In /etc/texmf/map/ttf2pk/ttfonts/, change
  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@  cyberbit.ttf"
  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@  cyberbit.ttf" .

Voilà, now you can try out UTF8.tex!

I think you can do the same with the MS fonts.  Just copy c70song.fd,
rename it and change the content accordingly.





Cjk maillist  -

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