On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 03:35:52PM +0200, Danai SAE-HAN wrote:
> Aloha!
> From: zhaohs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >     Now I have put the latest Unicode.sfd into the following place
> >          to substitute the original ones:
> >          /usr/share/texmf/ttf2pk/Unicode.sfd
> >      /usr/share/texmf/ttf2tfm/Unicode.sfd
> That's incorrect.  teTeX3 and the latest TeXlive now use TeX Directory
> Structure v1.1 (TDS1.1).  All .sfd files must be installed in
> $(LOCAL)TEXMF/fonts/sfd/ .  So in your case that would be in
> /usr/(local/)share/texmf/fonts/sfd/Unicode.sfd .
> >          But I can't generate pdf files even though I done all the
> >       things that you told me.Following are my questions now:
> >       1. When I use the command "pdflatex","dvipdf"or"dvips+ps2pdf"
> > to generate the pdf file, I can get the pdf file ,but in it,I can't
> > find the rare-used chinese characters,furthmore,even the chinese
> > glyphs that have appeared in the pdf file are the Type3 fonts.I find
> > them are not scalable glyph--why dose this happen?
> Do the rare-used Chinese characters appear in xdvi?
> And I don't have any Type3 fonts on my computer, so I wouldn't know.
> Make sure that, after you get the sunext.map, it is put in
> /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/map/ and that you run "update-updmap" and
> "upmap-sys" (I suppose Ubuntu uses the same tools as Debian).
> >        2. In the pdf files that are generated by dvipdfm(x),I find
> > the Type1 fonts are used,so they are scalable.In the former
> > case--that is--generating thepdf files by dvipdf,the chinese
> > charaters can't be copy and pasted;in the latter,the chinese
> > charaters can be copy and pasted.
> Hmmm, dunno about copying and pasting.  Do you use evince or acroread?
> >       3. How can I get the ps or pdf file with type1 or truetype
> >          fonts otherwise with the pk charaters in it,it is not
> >          scalable.  The following information show the fonts that I
> >          have been embedded in my pdf files.
> IOW (In other words), dvipdfm and dvipdfmx have the fonts embedded,
> dvipdf and dvips+ps2pdf don't.  Dunno why.  Make sure you remove any
> leftovers from failed installations.  And perhaps remove all the PK
> fonts that MAKETEXPK might have created from sunext.
> Strange that pdflatex didn't embed them.  Make sure you remove those
> .enc files.
> >       4. When you generate the subfonts with the sunfonts.pe ,you
> >   have said that "The 00 plane created from Sun-ExtB.ttf can
> > +be deleted,why and why it isn't the case for Sun-ExtA.ttf,on second
> >   thoughts,can we revise the script avoid this.
> The nasty thing is that Sun-Ext uses two fonts instead of one.  Both
> have the 00 plane, but since Sun-ExtA.ttf also covers a *huge* amount
> of non-Chinese glyphs (letters with accents, etc.) and Sun-ExtB.ttf
> covers none of them, it is evident that the 00 plane of Sun-ExtB.ttf
> is only there as a placeholder.
> So delete the 00 plane of Sun-ExtB.ttf and use the one from
> Sun-ExtA.ttf.
> The Fontforge script expects only one TTF.  It's not worth the trouble
> just to take account of this one exception.  It is much easier and
> more transparent just to delete the files.
> Now there might be some problems to get vertical files working
> (sunextv and sunextvr), but I'll probably come to that later.
> >       5. You have said that:
> [...]
> >         But you don't have sunexta.map anyway,I think the
> >         sunexta.map should be sunext.map,what do you think about it?
> Indeed, a typo!   Shame on me.  ;D
> >         On the other hand, the 10sunext.cfg file can also be named
> > like 10local.cfg or so,and serveral Map entries can be
> > +wrote in it,do you think so?
> You can name it anything you like.  The number in front "10" will
> determine where exactly the .cfg file will be put in the final
> updmap.cfg file.  If you put "99", it will come as last.  If you put
> 10, it will be somewhere at the beginning.  It doesn't really matter.
> Anything above 00 is okay.
> >      6.In the instructions that you have give to me,you didn't use
> >        the .enc files,why or why can I use them?
> Dunno the technical details about that one.  Just don't use them.
> >      7.If I use the subfonts.pe to generate subfonts for other
> >        fonts,should I always delete the "The 00 plane created"
> >        subfonts or not?
> No.  The first plane, 00, contains the ASCII characters.  If you use
> \usepackage[T1]{CJKutf8} then you can indeed delete the 00 plane, but
> if you use \usepackage{CJKutf8} without any font encoding, then CJK
> will only use the font that you specify in \begin{CJK}{xxx}.
> So it's best not to delete the first plane, just in case.
> Cheers
> Danai SAE-HAN
> 韓達耐
> -- 
> 題目:《偶題》
> 作者:張耒(1052-1112)
> 相逢記得畫橋頭,花似精神柳似柔。
> 莫謂無情即無語,春風傳意水傳愁。

Dear Danai,
  Thank you very much!From your and Werner's letters,I have learned a 
*LOT*,though now I’m a beginner in latex,I think I can master it,because I have 
many mentors like you and Wernwer!!!
  Best regards,



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