
From: zhaohs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>     Now I have put the latest Unicode.sfd into the following place
>          to substitute the original ones:
>          /usr/share/texmf/ttf2pk/Unicode.sfd
>      /usr/share/texmf/ttf2tfm/Unicode.sfd

That's incorrect.  teTeX3 and the latest TeXlive now use TeX Directory
Structure v1.1 (TDS1.1).  All .sfd files must be installed in
$(LOCAL)TEXMF/fonts/sfd/ .  So in your case that would be in
/usr/(local/)share/texmf/fonts/sfd/Unicode.sfd .

>          But I can't generate pdf files even though I done all the
>       things that you told me.Following are my questions now:

>       1. When I use the command "pdflatex","dvipdf"or"dvips+ps2pdf"
> to generate the pdf file, I can get the pdf file ,but in it,I can't
> find the rare-used chinese characters,furthmore,even the chinese
> glyphs that have appeared in the pdf file are the Type3 fonts.I find
> them are not scalable glyph--why dose this happen?

Do the rare-used Chinese characters appear in xdvi?
And I don't have any Type3 fonts on my computer, so I wouldn't know.
Make sure that, after you get the, it is put in
/usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/map/ and that you run "update-updmap" and
"upmap-sys" (I suppose Ubuntu uses the same tools as Debian).

>        2. In the pdf files that are generated by dvipdfm(x),I find
> the Type1 fonts are used,so they are scalable.In the former
> case--that is--generating thepdf files by dvipdf,the chinese
> charaters can't be copy and pasted;in the latter,the chinese
> charaters can be copy and pasted.

Hmmm, dunno about copying and pasting.  Do you use evince or acroread?

>       3. How can I get the ps or pdf file with type1 or truetype
>          fonts otherwise with the pk charaters in it,it is not
>          scalable.  The following information show the fonts that I
>          have been embedded in my pdf files.

IOW (In other words), dvipdfm and dvipdfmx have the fonts embedded,
dvipdf and dvips+ps2pdf don't.  Dunno why.  Make sure you remove any
leftovers from failed installations.  And perhaps remove all the PK
fonts that MAKETEXPK might have created from sunext.

Strange that pdflatex didn't embed them.  Make sure you remove those
.enc files.

>       4. When you generate the subfonts with the ,you
>   have said that "The 00 plane created from Sun-ExtB.ttf can
> +be deleted,why and why it isn't the case for Sun-ExtA.ttf,on second
>   thoughts,can we revise the script avoid this.

The nasty thing is that Sun-Ext uses two fonts instead of one.  Both
have the 00 plane, but since Sun-ExtA.ttf also covers a *huge* amount
of non-Chinese glyphs (letters with accents, etc.) and Sun-ExtB.ttf
covers none of them, it is evident that the 00 plane of Sun-ExtB.ttf
is only there as a placeholder.

So delete the 00 plane of Sun-ExtB.ttf and use the one from

The Fontforge script expects only one TTF.  It's not worth the trouble
just to take account of this one exception.  It is much easier and
more transparent just to delete the files.

Now there might be some problems to get vertical files working
(sunextv and sunextvr), but I'll probably come to that later.

>       5. You have said that:

>         But you don't have anyway,I think the
> should be,what do you think about it?

Indeed, a typo!   Shame on me.  ;D

>         On the other hand, the 10sunext.cfg file can also be named
> like 10local.cfg or so,and serveral Map entries can be
> +wrote in it,do you think so?

You can name it anything you like.  The number in front "10" will
determine where exactly the .cfg file will be put in the final
updmap.cfg file.  If you put "99", it will come as last.  If you put
10, it will be somewhere at the beginning.  It doesn't really matter.
Anything above 00 is okay.

>      6.In the instructions that you have give to me,you didn't use
>        the .enc files,why or why can I use them?

Dunno the technical details about that one.  Just don't use them.

>      7.If I use the to generate subfonts for other
>        fonts,should I always delete the "The 00 plane created"
>        subfonts or not?

No.  The first plane, 00, contains the ASCII characters.  If you use
\usepackage[T1]{CJKutf8} then you can indeed delete the 00 plane, but
if you use \usepackage{CJKutf8} without any font encoding, then CJK
will only use the font that you specify in \begin{CJK}{xxx}.

So it's best not to delete the first plane, just in case.





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