On 04/07/2010 08:33 PM, Gianluigi Tiesi wrote:
ask ms about windows xp :)
There is no kill switch in Windows XP. Microsoft is ending support for it, but existing installations of Windows XP will continue to work as they always have for the indefinite future.

The parallel in the anti-virus world would be that even after Symantec stops publishing updated virus definitions for an old version of one of their anti-virus products, the last virus definitions published for that version will continue to work for the indefinite future. They will become less and less effective over time, but the product will continue to do what it is intended to do at some level.

The parallel in ClamAV would have been if the maintainers declared that they would no longer publish virus definition files for ClamAV 0.94 but it would continue to work with the last virus definitions publish for it.

That is not what happened here.

That is what should have happened here.


Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net

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