On 04/08/2010 12:05 AM, David F. Skoll wrote:
> Török Edwin wrote:
>> Would you prefer freshclam/ClamAV crash/corrupt memory when loading the
>> new databases with >980 byte lines?
> No.  I can think of ways around this to make things degrade
> gracefully:
> o The server

You mean to do this on all the 122 mirrors here:

> could look at the Freshclam user-agent version number and
> not serve up the new database if it's too old.
> o The 0.96 Freshclam client could use a different request to get the
> newer longer-lined files.  (I guess it's a bit late for that now...)

How about 0.95? That version has been out for a while, and its not
affected by this bug.

>> The initial announcement about this was 6 month ago.
>> If a 6 month window to upgrade is not enough, what would be?
> Nothing justifies a kill-switch.

If the database is malformed .. ClamAV refuses to load.
This is what prevents malformed databases to be published by accident in
the first place.

> I understand your frustration with people who take a long time to
> upgrade.

We have 754868 signatures right now, out of those 626061 are .mdb
.mdb signatures are not supported, and not loaded by some older ClamAV
Is it better if they keep running the old version, thinking they have
some anti-virus protection?

Best regards,
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net

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