On Thu, 2 Dec 2021, novpenguincne via clamav-users wrote:

Thank you for the quick response.  So that would lead into the
logical next question.  What would be the earliest client version
that would work?  I tried installing the 103.x client on that box
but 103.x requires SystemD and this older box is still using
SystemV.  So is there a version of the client that is new enough to
accept the new definition files but still old enough to install on a
SystemV-based o/s?

If you keep your existing SystemV scripts and build from source
I don't expect problems with the SystemD bits.
You probably wont get on-access scanning.

Alternatively you could use one of your SLES15 machines as a clamd server
and do your scanning with clamdscan ...

But I would put my effort into restricting the SLES11 machine to local
network access only (or even sneaker-net if you can work with that)
before worrying about clamav.

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK


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