Thanks Andrew.  I am trying that now.  This being an older 32-bit o/s, it has 
been difficult to track down the full rpm install so I've been trying to 
install from source.  But of course that means running into dependency issues.  
I'll keep working on it for a bit to see if I can work through the install 

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

> If you keep your existing SystemV scripts and build from source
> I don't expect problems with the SystemD bits.
> You probably wont get on-access scanning.
> Alternatively you could use one of your SLES15 machines as a clamd server
> and do your scanning with clamdscan ...
> But I would put my effort into restricting the SLES11 machine to
> local network access only (or even sneaker-net if you can work with that)
> before worrying about clamav.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Andrew C. Aitchison Kendal, UK


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