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    Alex, On Pegasus I installed led bulbs in my mast head tri light. I got 
them from Superbrightled.com or something like that several years ago. They 
have been working great. Using 0.4-.5 amps for the anchor light. 
    Doug MountjoysvPegasusLF38 just west of Ballard, WA.    

------ Original message------From: Alex Giannelia via CnC-ListDate: Thu, Aug 
20, 2015 09:13To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com;Cc: Alex Giannelia;Subject:Stus-List 
Was Wire Gauge, now Where can I get LED?
So, I recently installed a PERKO masthead tri-light and want to know if one can 
insert a replacement LED trilight.  I understand that with the narrow spectrum 
range of some LED’s, I might not be able to insert a replacement white light 
LED but would need some kind of tri-light bulb. What have others done for their 
masthead tri-lights? Thanks, 
Alex gianneli...@airsensing.com(416) 203-9858 


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