Thanks to all for the feedback on freeze proofing.

Patrick - I also run a heater and an Ecoseb desiccant dehumidifier (which
is awesome!).  Last year I didn't do anything with antifreeze, just the
heaters, and everything was alright.  This year the freeze is a lot colder
though.  I do worry about power outages, but maybe I'm paranoid from
reading stories on the interwebs of the power going out in a storm and
engines freezing.

On Dec 13, 2016, at 11:43 AM, Patrick Davin <> wrote:

I take a different strategy here in Seattle - no winterizing, just a marine
electric heater on power=2, temp = lowest (anti freeze setting). Plus
visiting the boat 1-2 times per week, which I'm doing anyway for winter
projects. And sailing about 1x/month.

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