I thought contributing to Cocoon to be easier... much easier :(
Actually I feel a bit sorry about this... that's not very rewarding for someone wanting to contribute some code! And it makes me wonder: what are the objective reasons to include code into the codebase or not.
Even for the committers!

I always thought that a least the scratchpad should be used freely for any addition. Of course this might fill up our codebase with dead code ...which is bad!!!!!! But why not saying: if something does not make it from the scratchpad into the main trunk or has no changes within -let's say- a year we drop it. Which is basically - "let's see how it develops..."

This rule might remove some stuff from the scratchpad. Probably the current chart/wings transformer as well as "my" precept stuff. Whatever - if people don't use it and I don't have the time to work on it...

I had just a very brief look into the chart transformer but to be honest: just looking at the examples and the amount of documentation that is currently available - I'd probably would go for the chart transformer if I need it in a future project. For the project itself it doesn't make a big difference whether it is LGPL or APL.

Although merging of both (if possible at all) would have been much better!!! With "rule my own" you cannot suddenly have the community behind you... especially if you create some kind of competition by that.
I don't think such Darwinism is good for the community...

Anyway I am having the feeling this hot discussion somehow got into the wrong direction - please don't let this "my code" story from avalon happen here... *PLEASE*

Better let's start the discussion about a better build system which downloads blocks as they are needed. So we don't have to carry those thousand jar in our distribution and we are able to include components/blocks from sources other than our CVS just by adding a URL.

my 2 cents

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