
now, I'm starting to take it personally.

> I think it's bad that he is not willing at all to collaborate.

I tried to collaborate some months ago, but I've found Wings not to be not mature 
enough as a base: and you know that. You may think
the opposite, but I carefully evaluated your solution.

> He says he wants "his" code in cocoon.

I never said that, I said:
"Well, in all fairness, I'd like "my" package to enter into the standard Cocoon 
distro... partly because I need to feed my ego (the
Nirvana is still ahead of me ;) ), partly because I think that it could be a good 
selling point for Cocoon."

This was intended to lighten up the discussion and make it more feely: I wrong was I :(

> Now this guy comes up *totally irrespective* of anything that has
> happened.

See above.

> Look at the class. It loads tags from xml and feeds them in
> JFreeChart. And he cannot integrate with Wings. It's ridiculous.

Well, I don't know why you deem it ridicolous, but, as a matter of fact, I think 
charting to be an easy thing, to be done,
possibily, with ONE class.
Think of it as just a plumbing, an adapter to something doing the real work (in this 
case JFreeChart).

> He is not willing to collaborate in any way, and I don't like it.

I wrote:
1) It could remain in a JAR by itself, or in a block
2) We could propose changes to it under the supervision of a committer, which would be 
officially in charge of it
3) We could create mock classes in order to avoid breaking the build in case 
JFreeChart is not there
4) We could make IPZS officially donate it to ASF"

Does this mean that "I don't want to collaborate in any way" ? I don't think so.

> As for LGPL, it's really something we should not put in our CVS.

I agree. But you don't need to. Just like you don't need to have an Oracle license to 
be able to bind to their JDBC driver.


               Luca Morandini
               GIS Consultant
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicola Ken Barozzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 4:01 PM
> Subject: Re: ChartTransformer 0.0.4 urge a commiter!
> Torsten Curdt wrote:
> >> I thought contributing to Cocoon to be easier... much easier :(
> I have put much time and effort in trying to make a charting solution.
> I think it's bad that he is not willing at all to collaborate. He says
> he wants "his" code in cocoon.
> Wings was based on my code. Then Keiron Liddle donated his stuff and we
> switched. Then JCharts became APL compatible and we switched again.
> Now this guy comes up *totally irrespective* of anything that has
> happened. Look at the class. It loads tags from xml and feeds them in
> JFreeChart. And he cannot integrate with Wings. It's ridiculous.
> He is not willing to collaborate in any way, and I don't like it.
> As for LGPL, it's really something we should not put in our CVS.
> Finally look at the patches in bugzilla. Their authors should be the
> ones saying the above.
> --
> Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>              - verba volant, scripta manent -
>     (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)
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