Title: Message
agree, DB2 is not bad. I meant that sexy bunch of software is not to be 100% open. why would I want open RDBMS? I've no clue in inner workings of databases, I'll never ever open the hood, I promise. in fact, Oracle, MS SQL server and DB2 are probably equally good choices. for development you may get them for free, I guess.
I always deploy EJBs "manually". jBoss is easier to write deployment descriptors, yes. otherwise there's not much difference.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hunsberger, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 10:14 AM
Subject: RE: sexy open source

One could certainly argue that DB2 is as sexy or sexier than Oracle; the fact that Oracle 8 lacks true outer join makes it down right ugly if you ask me... In any case, my real reason for responding is to say that I would consider jBoss "sexy" anyone that's had to do a manual EJB deploy using something other than JBoss is likely to agree...
-----Original Message-----
From: Argyn Kuketayev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 8:11 AM
Subject: RE: sexy open source

subj was "sexy open source". I don't think that there's "sexy open source" RDBMS comparing to Oracle, or even MS SQL Server.
Ok, Apache is sexy, comparing to IIS indeed.
business doesn't care about opennes as much as about performance and features.
Cocoon is sexy too, btw
jBoss is not.
-----Original Message-----
From: Manos Batsis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 9:09 AM
Subject: RE: sexy open source

Err... the subject says "open source".
I don't think there is a point in arguing about what sucks and what doesn't, so I just won't.
-----Original Message-----
From: Argyn Kuketayev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 4:05 PM
Subject: RE: sexy open source

RDBMS must be Oracle. no other options, imho.
cost is not a problem. it's negligeable comparing to the cost of one DBA. while at the same time performance and other features of Oracle are far better than anything.

> 4) Business Logic Persistence
> Proposal: Firebird RDBMS as JBoss service

jBoss sucks, imho.

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