10 minutes ? Some 30 hours later I still haven't figured out what I need to go

-- Robert

----- Original Message -----
From: "Perry Molendijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: Cocoon is too complex for consumption?

> > The fact is that JSP continues to gather momentum and the era of XML-XSLT
> has all but been forgotten. To what do you attribute this?
> > XML and XSLT and by extension cocoon has a very narrow window to get some
> serious press to make itself live. This window is passing by.
> Funny that, I am kind booked out for most of the year with projects that
> need XSLT written for their applications. One of them is cleaning up the
> mess of having HTML and Java code in JSP nicely mixed up together. I don't
> write a line of Java myself but I have observed is that writting "clean"
> webapplications takes a fair bit of discipline that many developers don't
> have, or it is usually simply too hard for them; "this how I always do it".
> > If you ask me, the cocoon development effort should refocus itself from
> developing more features to getting the product in a state
> > such as tomcat is in. A state where people say "cocoon? Oh that's easy to
> use. getting hello-world to work is like a 10 minute
> > affair. You only need to worry about all the fancy features if you need to
> use them, give it a shot."
> OK the Cocoon doco needs work and the amount of features well out number the
> amount of doco pages. But you can still get Hello World up in 10 minutes.
> Most of the installation problems appear to be typical for all sorts of Java
> applications: wrong, missing or conflicting jar files in various places..
> Perry Molendijk
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