Niclas Hedhman wrote:

I think I would agree with your initial assessment that there may be underlying values that infuence the mind set. Exactly what it is, I am not sure, but I don't think it is Microsoft in this case.
Perhaps more reasonable is the "overall american attitude" of "I'm the best, I'm the greatest, I'm gonna get rich.", which promotes "proprietaryship" and "commercialization" of good ideas. Europeans at large are more modest and humble, and have stronger need of being "part of" than "in control of".
Hey! Let's not get all morally superior here least someone bring up the location of the two largest wars in the last century.

And let's not forget that there are a few natives of the United States patching the Linux kernel, working on the various BSDs, hanging around on these lists, etc.

"Modest and humble" indeed... ;-)

- Miles

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